The Housemaid - Freida McFadden

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Freida McFadden is bestseller American author famous for thriller novels.


Millie, a formerly incarcerated young woman who is looking for a job as a housemaid, is the topic around which this novel "The Housemaid" revolves around.

The Housemaid 

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Millie is surprised when Nina Winchester offers her a job as a live-in maid after an interview. When Millie first moves in, Nina is friendly and helpful, but that soon changes.

Open Hands

Millie becomes increasingly irritated and begins to believe Nina may have a mental illness.

Andrew, Nina's husband, tries to make things right between Nina and Millie by being kind to her.

Open Hands

Millie and Andrew become more close as Nina's erratic behavior gets worse. Millie and Andrew start an issue.

Nina reveals that she recruited Millie as an arrangement to liberate herself and Cecelia from Andrew's harmful control.


Andrew punishes Millie by torturing her after Nina leaves the house. Millie devises a strategy to evade Andrew's control while she is imprisoned in the attic.


Millie finds out that Nina referred her to a friend who is in need of her assistance due to her abusive husband.

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