The Unproposed Guy Book Review | Bhavik Sarkhedi and Suhana Bhambhani |

Hello Friends, welcome again to a The Unproposed Guy Book Review and Summary. This book is surely underrated and deserves much more attention. Moreover we will be getting some reviews as well for better understanding.

About the Book – The Unproposed Guy is filled with fun, laughter, drama, and many romances—correction, failed romances. The protagonist life is literary a Roller – Coaster ride which fastens you to read it till the very end.

Genre – Young Adult and contemporary

The Unproposed Guy Book Review
The Unproposed Guy Book Review

Author – Bhavik Sarkhedi and Suhana Bhambhani

BHAVIK SARKHEDI is the published author of 3 books including The Weak Point Dealer and Will You Walk a Mile? He is an ambivert who likes to explore the intersection of human psychology and life’s philosophy. He is the only Indian writer who has made it to Google’s ‘best content writers on the world’ list. He is also the founder of multiple content writing service agencies including his parent organization Write Right that deliver quality content.

Bhavik Sarkhedi
Bhavik Sarkhedi

Suhana Bhambhani is a former investment banker with an eminent zeal for writing. She gives her best writing in creative content and article scripting. She has delivered inventive content specialising in ghostwriting.

The Unproposed Guy Book Overview –

The Unproposed Guy

It is a contemporary fiction added with the flavors of comic and humorous stuff.

The life of Kevin is filled with fun, laughter, drama, and many romances—correction, failed romances. As you hop onto his roller – coaster life, also take a dive into some “Feats of Kevin”, as we would like to call his stellar performances.

There has been no big change in the life of Kevin-a boring and monotonous routine, ordinary family, and miserably failing relationships- and trust until he finds out he is going through something not normal to everyone: ‘Existential Crisis‘.

He has always been a marvelous entertainer, but has a mysterious way of putting off girls. The talent in him is growing creatively, and abundantly, but his inability to impress a girl keeps pulling him down slowly. He realises he can be any guy’s best friend, but he also seems to be every girl’s worst nightmare.

Hop onto the rollercoaster journey of Kevin’s life, as he navigates through mocking friends & family, emotions he’s never experienced before, and a sudden desire to take up a career in stand-up comedy and rapping.

Will Kevin ever get a chance in love? Will he become a successful stand-up comedian? The Unproposed Guy is a equivalent mixture of passion, determination, love, stand-up comedy, existential crisis, and a lot of sarcasm!

The Unproposed Guy focuses on more than just love and break up. This is a journey of self-finding, love, faith , understanding and bonding with friends and family…. and many more.

The Unproposed Guy Summary

Kevin, a actual humble and with a skills of enjoyable humans and constantly manages to get amusing out of women and boys. But being an introvert doesn`t assist him, he constantly receives declined and has a few unusual methods and simply while you assume that this time some thing ought to take place for our hero, his horrific success comes into his way. Because of all this rejections and the entirety Kevin begins offevolved to head through “Existential Crisis”.

To Keep Spoiler Free – Will Kevin get his love or not?, Will the Love for Stage helps Kevin ahead? all this questions will be answered when you read the book.

Also Read:- The Archer Summary

The Unproposed Guy Book Review

Highly Relatable Book. Kevin is average millenial struggling to find love. The Unproposed Guy is a relatable and clean examine and also you locate your self rooting for Kevin via his story.

While the colloquial writing, incidents from the modern relationship subculture and youngsters agony make the book relevant, the manner those subject matters are handled is better, Strength- Kevin as a person is properly evolved and the book touches upon a couple of subject matters including cutting-edge day relationships, identification and careers that many might relate to.

The narrative is speedy paced and the regular oscillation among beyond and gift is completed seamlessly. Apart from Kevin, no different person has been given an arc and the narrative simplest skims throughout pertinent subjects that have to were given extra depth.The plot has been deliberate thrilling and discusses components including passion, rejection, grievance and many others in conjunction with numerous different things.

The emotional turmoil of the protagonist has been portrayed in a way that one ought to relate to him. The creator has covered a few hilarious moments, because of the protagonist`s career that’s refreshing.

Some Nice Quotes from the book:-

“Crying is human and has nothing to do with gender”

“It’s better to be never loved than craving for it after tasting it”

“living alone is better than being left to live alone”

the journey is more important than the destination, But those who have to walk alone, seldom see the beauty in long roads.

For Humor – “Marriage is like a video game…starts off easy, then gets harder, and eventually you go online and find a way to escape

The Unproposed Guy

Excerpt from the Book that I liked-

He drinks green tea, not just espresso,
He likes all kinds of music, not just Despacito.
He is funny, but he fails to show it to his girl,
She gets sweet gifts, but he just can’t buy her a pearl,
He loves it when in the gown he bought, she makes a twirl.
Like everyone, he too needs a partner,
Unlike anyone, he wishes to be her armour
For millennial couples, cleaning or cooking or even buying vegetables becomes a glorious task. They get thrilled if they get one-kilo tomatoes for three hundred. They feel great, oh you know we bargained and got them down from a high cost of four hundred. They feel a sense of accomplishment, without a clue that tomatoes cost only fifty rupees per kilo. This is the mind-set of today’s millennial couples.

Final Verdict – A solid 8 Star out of 10. You can read this for refreshing your mind. This book is very good for light mood reading and if you fan of modern love story then you should check it out.

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